SANJOSE will carry out Phase I Béznar - Rules Dam System, Granada. Broken down 9
Aguas de las Cuencas de España (ACUAES) has awarded SANJOSE Constructora Phase I of the construction project of the conditions derived from the Béznar - Rules Dam System, Granada. Breakdown No. 9: common section, supply and irrigation at level 200.
The works consist of the execution of a network of pipelines that allow the use of the waters impounded in the Rules Dam to take them to the Palmares DWTP, managed by the Association of Municipalities of the Tropical Coast of Granada, and ensure the supply of water to a population of 350,000 inhabitants and 722 hectares of the irrigation communities Nuestra Señora Virgen del Rosario and Santa Ana, integrated into the General Community of Irrigators of Bajo Guadalfeo, as well as allowing in the future the interconnection between the irrigation systems of the 200 levels and 400.
To this end, two parallel supply and irrigation pipelines of 16.4 kilometers each will be executed, starting in the vicinity of the Rules Dam at the end of the section currently built under the span of the A-346 highway bridge (Órgiva - Vélez de Benaudalla) and final at PK 16+400, in which the pipelines are separated until they end at their corresponding delivery points.