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PRESS ROOM > NEWS >  SANJOSE will update the electrical installations in the Radioelectric Complex of Pico de la Gorra de Enaire on the Island of Gran Canaria

SANJOSE will update the electrical installations in the Radioelectric Complex of Pico de la Gorra de Enaire on the Island of Gran Canaria

SANJOSE will update the electrical installations in the Radioelectric Complex of Pico de la Gorra de Enaire on the Island of Gran Canaria

Enaire has awarded SANJOSE Constructora the refurbishment works, equipment renovation and remodelling of the electrical installations to adapt them to the new power requirements in the Radioelectric Complex of Pico de la Gorra de Enaire on the Island of Gran Canaria.


Within this complex, works are located in the Emitters Centre, in the Receiver Centre, in the Energy Centre and antenna towers.

SANJOSE will update the electrical installations in the Radioelectric Complex of Pico de la Gorra de Enaire on the Island of Gran Canaria